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Local FEMA Boards
Taxonomy Code: TD-1100.2000-400
Local boards that are responsible for administering funds awarded by the National FEMA Board (which governs the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program) to help meet the needs of hungry and homeless people within their jurisdiction by allocating funds for the provision of food and shelter to local organizations already providing these services. Local FEMA boards must be composed of representatives of the same organizations as those on the National Board (the American Red Cross, Catholic Charities USA, United Jewish Communities, the National Council of Churches in Christ in the U.S.A., The Salvation Army, United Way of America and FEMA) with a local government official replacing the FEMA representative. Local boards may also have additional members and are required to include a homeless or formerly homeless person as a member. Local boards establish how program funds may be utilized within their jurisdictions. The funds may be used to provide and/or pay for food in the form of meals or groceries; lodging in a shelter or hotel; rent/mortgage payments for one month; one month's utility bill; minimal repairs to feeding or sheltering facilities; or equipment needed to feed or shelter people who are homeless. These local boards may also receive and allocate funds from other sources.