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General Plan Development/Amendment
Taxonomy Code: TE-4525.4500-460.25
Programs that are responsible for drafting and/or amending and implementing a local general plan that serves as a municipality's or county's "blueprint" for future development. The general plan is a statement of policies, including text and diagrams setting forth objectives, principles, standards, and plan proposals, for the future physical development of the municipality or county. It represents the community's view of its future and serves as the basis upon which the city/town council, board of supervisors, and planning commission will base their land use decisions. The general plan and its diagrams have a long-term outlook, identifying the types of development that will be allowed, the spatial relationships among land uses, and the general pattern of future development. It addresses housing and commercial development, conservation, utility service systems, highways, government facilities, public works facilities, schools, parks and recreational facilities, airports and other components of urban, suburban and rural environments. In many jurisdictions a general plan (also referred to as a master plan, comprehensive plan or official plan) is a legal prerequisite for a zoning ordinance. General plans must be consistent with the legislative mandates established by state planning authorities but will vary widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction depending on local priorities.