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Zoning Ordinance Development
Taxonomy Code: TE-4525.4600-980.90
Programs that are responsible for developing the zoning ordinance within a local jurisdiction that spells out the immediate, allowable uses for each piece of property within the community. A typical zoning ordinance describes 20 or more different zones which may be applied to land within the community. Each piece of property in the community is assigned a zone listing the kinds of uses that will be allowed on that land and setting standards such as acceptable densities, minimum lot size, maximum building height, and minimum front yard depth. The distribution of residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and other zones is based on the pattern of land uses established in the community's general plan. Maps are used to keep track of the zoning for each piece of land. A zoning ordinance may also delegate specified decision-making roles to the municipality’s governing body, planning commission, zoning hearing board, zoning enforcement officer, and staff.