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Essential Tremor

Taxonomy Code: YF-3000.3050

Tremor is a condition that is characterized by an unintentional, somewhat rhythmic, muscle movement involving to-and-fro movements (oscillations) of one or more parts of the body. Essential tremor is the most common type of tremor and occurs most frequently in the hands causing problems with purposeful movements such as eating, writing, sewing, or shaving; but the head, arms, voice, tongue, legs and trunk may also be involved. Although it may be mild and nonprogressive in some people, in others essential tremor is slowly progressive, starting on one side of the body but eventually affecting both sides. Heightened emotion, stress, fever, physical exhaustion, or low blood sugar may trigger tremors or increase their severity. Onset is most common after age 40, although symptoms can appear at any age. Children of a parent who has essential tremor have a 50 percent chance of inheriting the condition. Essential tremor is not associated with any known pathology.

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