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Credit Checkers/Authorizers
Taxonomy Code: YO-1500.1600
Individuals who review credit histories and obtain the information needed to determine the creditworthiness of individuals or businesses applying for credit. Credit checkers investigate the credit history and current credit standing of a person or business prior to the issuance of a loan or line of credit. Credit checkers may telephone or write to credit departments of businesses and service companies to obtain information about an applicant's credit standing. Credit-reporting agencies and bureaus hire a number of checkers to secure, update, and verify information for credit reports. Credit authorizers approve charges against customers' existing accounts. Most charges are approved automatically by computer. However, when accounts are past due, overextended or invalid, or when they show a change of address, salespersons refer the associated transactions to credit authorizers located in a central office who evaluate the customers' computerized credit records and payment histories and decide whether to approve new charges.
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