Service Tree

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Physical Therapists

Taxonomy Code: YO-3000.7150-700

Individuals who provide services that help restore function, improve mobility, relieve pain and prevent or limit permanent physical disabilities in patients suffering from injuries or disease. Their patients include accident victims and individuals with disabling conditions such as low back pain, arthritis, heart disease, fractures, head injuries and cerebral palsy. Treatment often includes exercise for patients who have been immobilized and lack flexibility, strength and endurance. Electrical stimulation, deep-tissue massage, traction, hot packs or cold compresses and ultrasound may be used to relieve pain and/or reduce swelling. Physical therapists also teach patients to use assistive and adaptive devices such as crutches, prostheses and wheelchairs; and may show patients exercises to do at home to expedite their recovery. The goal of physical therapy is to improve how an individual functions at work and at home.

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