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Telecommunications Managers/Technicians
Taxonomy Code: YO-3300.8500
Individuals who are responsible for analyzing, evaluating, and maintaining an organization's telecommunications systems equipment; modifying telecommunications systems to improve their efficiency; and coordinating the planning and implementation of new telecommunications systems. Telecommunications and computer equipment are linked for voice, text, image, data and video transmission. Examples of such transmissions include calling from one phone location to another, sending data from computer to computer over phone lines or cables, relaying documents over facsimile machines, teleconferencing, sending voice and electronic mail, and transmitting cable television signals. Tasks include analyzing telecommunications requirements and recommending equipment and systems configurations; reviewing and analyzing the phone system/data communications equipment costs, long distance/transmission costs, and volume of phone/data related calls; troubleshooting the malfunctioning telecommunications system of a company; formulating telecommunications systems requirements and procedures for processing and communicating data and other information; designing systems to make appropriate use of available facilities and equipment; preparing cost and time estimates for the installation, implementation and operation of new equipment; coordinating the installation and implementation of telecommunication equipment and software features to include standard protocols for data; coordinating the installation and implementation of telecommunication equipment and software features to include standard protocols for data; instructing users in the application and capabilities of the telecommunications system; monitoring the operations of the system and services of vendors; and troubleshooting.
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