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Musical Instrument Repairers/Tuners
Taxonomy Code: YO-3400.6500-500
Individuals who repair percussion, stringed, reed or wind instruments or work on instruments that are out of tune. Band instrument repairers, brass and wind instrument repairers and percussion instrument repairers focus on woodwind, brass, reed and percussion instruments damaged through deterioration or accident. They move mechanical parts or play scales to find problems. They may unscrew and remove rod pins, keys, worn cork pads and pistons, and remove soldered parts using gas torches. Violin and guitar repairers adjust and repair stringed instruments. They replace or repair cracked or broken sections and damaged parts. They also restring the instruments and repair damage to their finish. Piano tuners and repairers tune and make minor repairs to the pianos they service. Tuning involves tightening and loosening different strings to achieve the proper tone or pitch. Because pianos are difficult to transport, tuners normally make house calls. Some repairers specialize in restoring older pianos. Pipe organ repairers do work similar to that of piano repairers, but on a larger scale. Additionally, they assemble new organs.
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