Service Tree

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Shoemakers/Leather Workers

Taxonomy Code: YO-6200.8500-800

Individuals such as shoemakers (including orthopedic shoemakers), saddle makers and luggage makers who create stylish and durable leather products that may be sold directly to the general public but are more commonly purchased by retail establishments that sell these types of goods. When making custom shoes or modifying existing footwear for people with foot problems or special needs, shoe and leather workers cut pieces of leather, shape them over a form shaped like a foot and sew them together. They then attach soles and heels using sewing machines or cement and nails. When making luggage, they fasten leather to a frame and attach handles and other hardware. They also cut and secure linings inside the frames and sew or stamp designs onto the exterior of the luggage. In addition to performing all of the preceding steps, saddle makers often apply leather dyes and liquid topcoats to produce a glossy finish on a saddle. They may also decorate the surface of the saddle by hand stitching or by stamping the leather with decorative patterns and designs.

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