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Taxonomy Code: YO-8000.6500-150
Individuals who are involved in the study of the composition and behavior of matter including its micro and macro-structure, the processes of chemical change and the theoretical description and laboratory simulation of these phenomena. Included are analytical chemists who determine the structure, composition, and nature of substances by examining and identifying the various elements or compounds that make up a substance and have a major role in the pharmaceutical industry; organic chemists who study the chemistry of the vast number of carbon compounds that make up all living things; inorganic chemists who study compounds consisting mainly of elements other than carbon such as those in electronic components; physical and theoretical chemists who study the physical characteristics of atoms and molecules and the theoretical properties of matter, and investigate how chemical reactions work; macromolecular chemists who study the behavior of atoms and molecules; medicinal chemists who study the structural properties of compounds intended for applications to human medicine; and materials chemists who study and develop new materials to improve existing products or make new ones.
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